Monday, February 9, 2009

You have got to be freakin kidding me.....

So its 70 degrees here in Nashville in February and I am inside with my foot up above my heart. Why you ask? I have no idea. I went for a run on Saturday afternoon on pavement and came up limping a couple of hours later. I took the normal amount of anti-inflammatory pills and thought nothing of it until Sunday morning when I nearly fell on the floor getting out of bed. To make it worse, I actually went to the driving range and practiced Sunday afternoon. I never knew how important a small portion of my foot was when swinging a golf club. It hurt to stand, it hurt to sit, it hurt to swing full and it hurt to laugh. J So, on this gorgeous February day, I am stuck inside with my foot propped up writing on my blog wishing I could practice and hoping you are enjoying this beautiful day. The lesson I learned is not to take your feet for granted. I think I will go find a rich Swedish masseuse to marry now.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Visualize Large Yellow Fowl

This might be one of my deepest, darkest desires in the world. I ask that you keep the following statement in perspective.

My ultimate desire in not only to be the #1 Ranked Professional Golfer in the World by 2014, but to also be a guest host on Sesame Street.

I’ll let the genius of that statement sink in for a minute. Think about it. Only the elite of the elite people have been seen with Big Bird, Snufalopagus, and Elmo! Robert DeNiro, Stevie Wonder, Johnny Cash, David Beckham (when he was good), The NY Jets, Michael Jordon, Larry Bird and Garth Brooks have all been on Sesame Street. They don’t just take any joe off the street like Jay Leno or Saturday Night Live. You actually have to be the cream of the crop at what you do.

Here is a link to R.E.M "Furry Happy Monsters":

Here is the link to the NY Jets. Elmo let his standards down a bit when he invited them. He must have thought it was the Giants.

Ok, so here is another confession. I stayed up for 2 hours looking at classic Sesame Street clips on YouTube and was cracking up. I actually remember some of these from childhood. Especially the Grover, Near and Far clip. I encourage you to be a kid for a few minutes, get lost in a simpler time and watch a few of these clips in full. It will make you smile.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Is this passage invigorating or scary?

First off, I am not some Bible beating crazy. But I came across this passage and it excited me because nothing done with passion is safe from pain and uncertainty. Cleary I am not comparing what I am doing with Paul. Blood, sweat, tears, severe pain are part of life. The choice is ours as to what we are suffering for.

...been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. 24Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers. 27I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked. 28Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. 29Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn?

Monday, December 22, 2008

The process of getting PGA Tour playing privileges

The immediate question I get when I tell people I am going back on the professional golf circuit is “how does that work?” Being so close to the sport, I never looked at it from another perspective. This is an attempt to briefly explain how it works. This would be the part where a nice power point presentation or video would be cool. So as you read this, imagine all sorts of technowizardry in a coherent powerful slide show.

Point 1: The PGA Tour is different from the PGA of America. The PGA Tour is the competitive arm of the PGA of America. The PGA of America are all the hard working club pro’s who give lessons, keep the golf course in playing shape, and help will all equipment needs.

The PGA Tour is the world’s elite competitive tour for professional golfers. The PGA Tour sanctions 45 plus tournaments around the United States including the President’s Cup, Ryder Cup and PGA Championship. Pioneers of the sport like Arnold Palmer, Sam Sneed, Byron Nelson laid a foundation for not only the level of competition, but also the purses. Now that Tiger Woods has been on the scene for 10 years, all players have been able to reap the rewards of increased purses, sponsorship and viewers. Today’s winner’s share of tournament money equals what the entire purse was 20 years ago. On average, a win on the PGA Tour will earn you about $1 million, numerous endorsements and invitations to other lucrative events.

So, with all that money, how does one get there? The two primary ways one earns PGA Tour playing privileges is by competing in the PGA Tour Qualifying School or through the Nationwide Tour. Qualifying School is held each year beginning in October and runs through December. There are 4 stages and you must finish in the top 20 at the first stage to advance to the next stage. Players with certain statuses and credentials from the PGA Tour and Nationwide tour earn exemptions into the 2nd, 3rd, and Final Stage, making the field extremely competitive. The final stage consists of 6 rounds of competitive golf on 2 golf courses. Only the top 25 earn PGA Tour “cards” for the following year. You are literally playing for your job and one stroke can be the difference in millions of dollars the following year.

Those that make it to the final stage but finish outside the top 25 earn their Nationwide Tour card. Think of this as minor league baseball except a manager isn’t going to call you up to the “majors.” The Nationwide Tour is the only direct gateway to the PGA Tour other than Q school. This tour was designed to develop players to a point where they can compete on the PGA Tour. The reality is that most of the Nationwide Tour Members are as good, if not better than the PGA Tour players. They just have not played well at the right time.

The purses are still funded through corporate sponsorship and some TV money, but only 20% of the money on the PGA Tour. Still, one can make a very good living. I will address the money in a later blog. From the Nationwide Tour, there are 2 ways to earn a PGA Tour card. The first is to win three times in a calendar year. That is called a “Battlefield Promotion.” Jason Gore accomplished this 3 years ago, then won a PGA Tour event 2 weeks later. This sport is about getting on a run at the right time. The other way is to be inside the top 25 on the year end money list. This rewards steady play throughout a season and helps the player when they get to the PGA Tour.

Feel free to email questions about this process.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Is this just another blog?

I know there are millions of people blogging about their life, beliefs, politics, religion, and latest gossip. Why is this any different? I am about to make a bold statement. God has set aside my life for a greater purpose. He has equipped me from the inception of life, surrounded me with loving people who guided me, taught me and loved me to be who I am today. I firmly believe from the deepest parts of my body and soul God has created me to be a touring professional golfer on par with the greatest players to play today. Is that boasting or arrogant? I hope not. This blog is not about me. It is about what God is doing through me and through other people on this journey. At nearly 35 years of age, I am foregoing all rational thinking and not pursuing jobs or a career in line with my business experience. Why? Because I feel life isn’t about money. It is about living out God’s purpose in your life. For me, I have been given this moment in time to pursue what has been on my heart from birth. Even though this road has many challenges, traps, heartache, pain and suffering, I would rather be in this journey with Him living out His creation than sitting on the sideline wondering what if. I am inviting you to come on this journey with me to discover the great mystery of a loving and present God in hopes that He will open up your heart to the possibility of truly living. It will be a bumpy ride, but don’t worry, He has me firmly in his grasp.
Next blog topic: “How am I going to find investors in a recession?”

PS. I plan on updating pictures after Christmas. I believe I have several back home in OK of me from childhood playing golf.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The journy begins

This is a test.....