Monday, February 9, 2009

You have got to be freakin kidding me.....

So its 70 degrees here in Nashville in February and I am inside with my foot up above my heart. Why you ask? I have no idea. I went for a run on Saturday afternoon on pavement and came up limping a couple of hours later. I took the normal amount of anti-inflammatory pills and thought nothing of it until Sunday morning when I nearly fell on the floor getting out of bed. To make it worse, I actually went to the driving range and practiced Sunday afternoon. I never knew how important a small portion of my foot was when swinging a golf club. It hurt to stand, it hurt to sit, it hurt to swing full and it hurt to laugh. J So, on this gorgeous February day, I am stuck inside with my foot propped up writing on my blog wishing I could practice and hoping you are enjoying this beautiful day. The lesson I learned is not to take your feet for granted. I think I will go find a rich Swedish masseuse to marry now.

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