Monday, December 15, 2008

Is this just another blog?

I know there are millions of people blogging about their life, beliefs, politics, religion, and latest gossip. Why is this any different? I am about to make a bold statement. God has set aside my life for a greater purpose. He has equipped me from the inception of life, surrounded me with loving people who guided me, taught me and loved me to be who I am today. I firmly believe from the deepest parts of my body and soul God has created me to be a touring professional golfer on par with the greatest players to play today. Is that boasting or arrogant? I hope not. This blog is not about me. It is about what God is doing through me and through other people on this journey. At nearly 35 years of age, I am foregoing all rational thinking and not pursuing jobs or a career in line with my business experience. Why? Because I feel life isn’t about money. It is about living out God’s purpose in your life. For me, I have been given this moment in time to pursue what has been on my heart from birth. Even though this road has many challenges, traps, heartache, pain and suffering, I would rather be in this journey with Him living out His creation than sitting on the sideline wondering what if. I am inviting you to come on this journey with me to discover the great mystery of a loving and present God in hopes that He will open up your heart to the possibility of truly living. It will be a bumpy ride, but don’t worry, He has me firmly in his grasp.
Next blog topic: “How am I going to find investors in a recession?”

PS. I plan on updating pictures after Christmas. I believe I have several back home in OK of me from childhood playing golf.

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